Cameron Seay v. Federal Railroad Administration. Cameron Seay’s career as a computer specialist with the Atlanta Region of the Federal Railroad Administration became jeopardized after he filed two Equal Employment Opportunity Complaints alleging racial discrimination.

Management then proposed and sustained his removal, offering him a “Last Chance Agreement,” which he accepted. Two months later, when he complained that he was not being given the system access and resources needed to perform his duties, he was abruptly terminated. We filed an appeal with the Atlanta Region of the Merit Systems Protection Board, and on March 11, 1997 submitted Argument and Evidence as to Board’s Jurisdiction explaining why the Last Chance Agreement should not deprive the Board of Jurisdiction.

Case name: Seay v. Federal Railroad Admin.

Case Number: AT-0752-97-0386-I-1

Court: Merit Systems Protection Board

Synopsis: Appeal

PleadingJurisdictional Statement

PleadingSupporting Affidavit