Dewey Publications – In my humble opinion, the best source for comprehensive treatises on federal employment law.

Federal Personnel Management Institute A rich source of information regarding employment law resources pertaining to employees of the federal government.

Federal Labor Relations Authority

Fedweek Don Mace’s free weekly newsletter updating developments in federal sector employment

Merit Systems Protection Board

The Regulations of the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board

EEOC’s Facts About Federal Sector Equal Employment Opportunity Complaint Processing Regulations

The Regulations of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

MD-110, Management Directive 110 The EEOC’s guidelines for processing Federal sector eeo complaints.

EEOC Administrative Judges Handbook

Office of Personnel Management Personnel policies, pay scales and benefits information for federal employees.

Office of Workers Compensation Programs Information about federal employee workers’ compensation from the U. S. Department of Labor.

Office of Workers Compensation Programs The Feingroup’s collection of resources about claims under the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act.

U.S. Postal Service handbooks manuals and publications from the National Association of Letter Carriers

Recent Federal Sector Court Decisions

U. S. Office of the Special Counsel Information on protection for federal employee whistleblowers.